Thursday, December 30, 2010
Do This Today
Happiness is a matter of entirely your choice. If you choose happiness between happiness and unhappiness, you are likely to work for happiness and it will be yours.
Do This Today
Lighten up. Why do you wish to carry the burden of seriousness all the time?
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Lighten Up
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Do This Today
It's not failure but low aim is the crime. A person who wishes to pierce the highest peak of the sky will definitely reach one of it's peaks.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Do This Today
Listen to the good advice gracefully.
In the lighter vein, the same can be interpreted as: Listen to the good advice of other person gracefully as long as it does not interfere with what you wish to do.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Do This Today
It's never too late catching up with things. What you missed early on, you can make up for it any day later; it's never too late. Start any time and count that as your start time.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Do This Today
Do not react but respond. Reactions are normally immediate. And that is what may create problems. But who stops you from pausing for a moment, think about the situation and then respond prudently? So use that "pause" button every time before you respond (and do not react).
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do Not React but Respond,
Do This Today
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Do This Today
Listen. Giving ears to others does not hurt. On the other hand, if you can sift out for yourself the right things from what you hear, you can become wiser- and that will surely help you lots in your life.
You will benefit if you refer:(Listening)
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Friday, October 29, 2010
Do This Today
Be inquisitive. Ask questions to get answers. More the questions, more will be the answers and then more will be the quality answers to improve overall quality of life.
Ask Questions,
Be Inquisitive,
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Do This Today
Stop complaining. Stop grumbling about things that are beyond your control. Start doing and so, start living despite those hurdles.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Stop Complaining
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Do This Today
Be in touch with your near and dear ones. Use any medium to do it- personal meetings, emails, telephones, chatting, video chatting, letters; anything, everything.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Do This Today
Practice humility. Being humble does not make one inferior. Rather, if you are to true to your salt, you need not have to do any thing extra to prove yourself to others. Yet make sure, people do not take you for granted.
For being assertive, refer "assertiveness" at:
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Practice Humility
Monday, October 11, 2010
Do This Today
Do not be afraid to say "no". When it does not suit you, do not hesitate to say, "I am sorry, I will not be able to do it."
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Do This Today
Define your success criteria. What is success? Who is really successful? What makes one successful? These are all quite difficult questions to answer. Yet, it will be a good idea to define your success criteria. Try doing it. Then, lead your life accordingly.
Do get guided by a very comprehensive article on "success in life" at and/or
Friday, October 8, 2010
Do This Today
Have a date with your spouse. It's refreshingly different. Try it now and feel its excitement.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Do This Today
Demonstrate your love. Let you near and dear ones know that you love them. So, do not shy away from giving a hug to or holding hands with your spouse, your children and your parents and also telling them that you love them.
Demonstrate Your Love,
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Do This Today
Sleep well. Sleep adequately. If someone cites examples of some few so called great men did well despite their habit of sleeping less hours; don't be fooled. If your body system does need 7 to 8 hours of sound sleep, don't ever feel guilty doing it. And don't keep awake late nights. Cheers.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Sleep Adequately,
Sleep Well
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Do This Today
Play an outdoor game. It is excellent exercise and fun.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Play an Outdoor Game
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Do This Today
Stay hungry for knowledge. Acquire knowledge. Learn about anything- about everything.
If you feel interested, refer sites given here for knowledge related to personal, professional, business and home management:
(All the Personal, Professional and Business Management Topics) and
(Building Leadership and Management)
(Home Management)
Acquire Knowledge,
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today
Friday, September 24, 2010
Do This Today
Implement 5S housekeeping at home. As you may be knowing, 5S housekeeping is the wonderful and wonderfully simple Japanese system for great housekeeping. Learn it and then, implement at your home. Your home will become a five star place.
If you wish to learn about 5S housekeeping system, refer:
(5S Housekeeping) and (Housekeeping at Home)
Do This Today
Don't smoke.
For those who smoke- Stop smoking
If you wish to know more on "Quit Smoking", refer:
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Do This Today
Agreed, there will be dense darkness around you at times. But who stopped you from switching on the light? Switch the light on.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Switch the Light On
Monday, September 20, 2010
Do This Today
Become romantic. Romanticizing is not a sin. It is a perfectly normal human activity. So, do it; be normal.
Become Romantic,
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today
Do This Today
Stop believing in any kind of superstition(s). Your belief in superstition(s) shows that you have become weak and you need these crutches to lead your life.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Do This Today
Watch a real good movie.
If you feel interested, before deciding which movie to see, you may refer the movies listed at Unforgettable Hollywood Movies ( and Unforgettable Hindi Movies (
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Watch a Real Good Movie
Friday, September 17, 2010
Do This Today
Do not get addicted to social network sites. There are many of them these days and new ones will mushroom and you have ample opportunities wasting your time if you get hooked to them. It's fun visiting them once in a while and yet, be careful not to leave any traces of you there that might make you vulnerable.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Do This Today
Rather than worry, act. You worry because something might go wrong. So instead of brooding over what might go wrong why not take actions to make it happen right. May be you actions will give you desired outcome and by keeping busy in action, you will have little time left to worry. And even if the outcome is not exactly the way you desired, you will have satisfaction of having tried your best.
(Worries give rise to stress. So learn to practice "Stress Management" till such time you get over habit of worrying. Refer:
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Rather than worry act
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Do This Today
Belittle the concept called "failure". If you do not achieve something now, what is lost? Are you going to die because of that? No, you won't, so why worry? If achieving that thing is so important for you, you can as well try again. Otherwise, try to achieve something else. Makes sense? In brief, do not be too tough on yourself.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Do This Today
Don't be fooled by "news". All you know what is dished out by TV news channels and even by printed or web newspapers may be mostly administered and motivated and at times outright fictitious. Take it with a pinch of salt and do not waste too much of your precious time on such a crap.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Don't be fooled by "news"
Monday, September 13, 2010
Do This Today
Write. Write something, write anything every day- do a bit of it every day. Write journal, diary, article, story, novel, blog post, personal letter, business letter, business proposal, email- anything that pleases you. And learn to do it well.
You may like to get guided by tips on written communication at:
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Write a Long Letter
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Do This Today
Gossip once in a while. Yes, you heard right. Without feeling guilty, once in a while, indulge in harmless gossip in the society of your family members and your friends- just for fun sake. Phew and forget it then.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Gossip Once in a While
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Do This Today
Develop empathy. Empathy means putting yourself in others' shoes. What's the best way to do that- first remove your shoes.
For knowing more on listening and communication, you may refer: and
Develop Empathy,
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today
Friday, September 10, 2010
Do This Today
Keep a book handy with you. Choose a (real good) book of your choice. Always carry it with you and read it as and when opportunity knocks at you- travel time, commute time, waiting in a line (queue), waiting for your turn in any office or clinic, sitting alone anywhere and nothing else to do or waiting for someone and so on. In short, you can read literally hundreds of books in the time which otherwise gets wasted without your knowledge.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Keep a book handy with you
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Do This Today
Do not waste your commuting time. Use it to your advantage. One easy way is to listen to some good, useful, interesting and quality audio book, lecture series, entertainment program, music etc on your audio system while commuting to and from your work place.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Do This Today
Forgive some. However, forget those who wronged you intentionally, deliberately, maliciously and you have observed that they are infested with such dirty habit. But you may like to forgive those who might have wronged you out of their ignorance, unintentional stupidity, situations beyond their control or such other things.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Forgive Some
Monday, September 6, 2010
Do This Today
Listen your favorite music. Listen and enjoy the music you like every day. Keep some 15 to 20 minutes for this.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Listen Your Favorite Music
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Do This Today
Forget the people who have wronged you. They are not worth remembering. It's in your interest to forget them since they are stealing lots of your time and energy when they are in and around your mind like ghosts- you keep thinking about them, about the insults they hurled on you and in scheming the plans to get even with them etc. Instead, use that time and energy in much better and worthier pursuits than on those useless people.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Do This Today
Read. Read 30 to 40 pages every day- it will take just about less than 45 minutes or so. Read any good literature of your choice.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Do This Today
Put your knowledge into action. Knowledge without its implementation is equal to big zero. Covert into an action oriented person- an avid implementer.
Take out some of your time to read the related articles at: and
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Do This Today
Relive the happy moments. Remember the happy events of your life in your own mind and re-experience the same happy emotions once again. Its one of the good, simple and enjoyable ways of self rejuvenation. Try it.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Relive the Happy Moments
Friday, August 27, 2010
Do This Today
Stop being a time-nut. Give your watch a holiday for a day once in a while. Forget about time lines, time tables, schedules, dead lines which control all your actions on rest of days in any case. So you deserve to be without a watch at least on a few days of your life. Makes sense?
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Stop Being a Time-nut
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Do This Today
Thank the people who helped you. Do it genuinely. Do it profusely.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Do This Today
Sharpen your competencies. Sharpen your those talents, competencies and skills that you need for effective life management- for leading your personal, home, professional and social life effectively. Forget the rest.
We suggest some really good articles on this very important topic:
(Competencies- Life Management)
(Competency Matrix)
(Soft Skills)
(Soft Skills/Competencies: Details of Each Competency)
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Sharpen Your Competencies
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Do This Today
Give joyous kick start to your day. Why begin the day with dumb things like arguing, having a row with anyone, negative thoughts, complaining and the likes of them? You can as well start your day seeing, listening, tasting, feeling, thinking and doing something that will fill you with joy early morning.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Do This Today
Laugh it out. Who says it is necessary to take everything seriously in life?
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Laugh It Out
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Make Your Own Opinion on Any Issue
Make your own opinion on any issue. Do not be blindly swayed by others' opinions on the subject; even by the opinions of so called influential people.
Develop your own HSoftware (Human Software- the concept and the term created by Shyam Bhatawdekar: refer his article on HSoftware at
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Improve Your Public Speaking Competency
Improve your public speaking competency. It will help you in every walk of life- it is needed almost everywhere.
To hone your public speaking skills, be guided by the tips given at:
Friday, August 20, 2010
Start Liking Your Work
Start liking your job. If you don't, no one suffers but you and indirectly your family since it adversely affects your performance on job, your future prospects and your earning capacity. So, start taking interest in whatsoever job you have today- that's the stark reality. Yet keep trying to get to do the work that you really like- you will have to put in your efforts for that; it is not automatic.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Start Liking Your Work
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Do This Today
Dance. Grab every possible opportunity to dance. And do not feel shy even if you are not expert in dancing.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Do This Today
Pursue your most favorite hobby or interest. It will bring peace and happiness to you. All you know, this hobby or interest may even make you famous one day. And further, all you know this hobby or interest may bring you tons of money too. So, do it.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Do This Today
Do not get angry. There is hardly any benefit in getting angry; particularly the kind of anger on which you do not have your conscious control. So, why? It can only harm you emotionally, mentally and physically pretty badly. Watch.
If you wish to read more on how to manage anger, refer "Anger Management" at
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do Not Get Angry,
Do This Today
Monday, August 16, 2010
Do This Today
Help in daily chores at home. You cannot expect just about one or two persons of the family to carry out all the daily chores like cooking, washing, housekeeping, ironing clothes, grocery buying etc. Being a member of the family, you must share the work load.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Do This Today
Party. Party with your family and friends. Won't it be fun being together and merrymaking?
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Friday, August 13, 2010
Do This Today
Wear you favorite perfume. It makes you feel good. It makes others feel good about you. They are part of your external personality which is quite important. You may like to read more on "personality" at:
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Wear Your Favorite Perfume
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Do This Today
Gather courage to be honest and truthful. It is associated with "do not pretend or fake". Put a stop to telling a lie or being dishonest to self and others. Yet, make sure that in doing so, you do not get into or create situations where you become vulnerable. A person of truth must also be a person of care. Take care.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Do This Today
Try again. It is not a cliché. If you have a dream of achieving something and you are willing to develop your competencies for it, try again. Try, try again is a real thing.
On developing competencies, you may like to refer: or or
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Try Again
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Do This Today
Wear smart clothes. You deserve them. It makes you feel good about yourself. Then why not?
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Wear Smart Clothes
Monday, August 9, 2010
Do This Today
Do not get overexcited over others' slogans and quotes. They are spoken and written by mortals like you and they need not be sacrosanct. Apply your mind before accepting, modifying or rejecting them.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Do This Today
If you wish to save 20 precious years of your life, Become tidy. Learn a wonderful and simple Japanese system called "5S Housekeeping" that you can apply at home and also in office- personally and professionally. In case you wish to know what 5S Housekeeping is all about, do not hesitate to refer:, and
Become Tidy,
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today
Friday, August 6, 2010
Do This Today
Bring flowers home.
Flowers radiate happiness, wellness, optimism. You need not have to spend too much money on them. You may also grow them in your home. Put them in a nice vase and let everyone enjoy their beauty.
Bring Flowers Home,
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Do This Today
Be assertive. Stop being submissive. Do not allow anyone to exploit you. No one can ever hurt you without your permission and there is no need to accord permission to anyone.
To inculcate this quality in you, you may like to refer: (Assertiveness) and (Self-confidence)
Be Assertive,
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Do This Today
Stop using four-letter words. Stop using coarse language.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Do This Today
Drink hot and strong coffee.
Along side, to go with it, eat a muffin or pastry or doughnut or cake or any other bakery item of your liking, fresh from oven.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Drink Hot and Strong Coffee
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Do This Today
Enjoy a rainy day. Watch and feel the rains and relish eating hot and spicy Indian "pakoras" or "samosas". If you wish to cook Indian "pakoras" or "samosas" yourself, take help of the recipes given at and
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Enjoy a Rainy Day
Friday, July 30, 2010
Do This Today
Say happy birth day or happy wedding anniversary to the persons you know.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Do This Today
Play with small kids- source of immense happiness.
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Play with Small Kids
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Do This Today
Say sorry to the person(s) you might have insulted or hurt. Do not live on egos.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Do This Today
Say to self, "I am good". Then do good things throughout the day. And say again, "I am good."
Do This Today,
Say to Self I am Good
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Do This Today
Enjoy candle light dinner. You may like to do it with your family, with your friends, with your family and friends or even alone. Create a five star aura, light candles and have fun eating cuisine of your choice.
Do This Today,
Enjoy Candle Light Dinner
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Do This Today
Drink fresh fruit juice. Choose the fruit you like, make juice from it and drink. Bet, it can be very energizing apart from being tasty.
Do This Today,
Drink Fresh Fruit Juice
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Do This Today
Learn dining etiquette and table manners and implement. Refer to read the comprehensive list of dining etiquette and table manners.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Do This Today
Do nothing. Do nothing for ten to fifteen minutes at a stretch, once in a while, on few days a week. Choose a cheerful place inside your home or outdoors, sit down, relax and do nothing for ten to fifteen minutes at one go.
Do Nothing,
Do This Today
Monday, July 19, 2010
Do This Today
Do physical exercises. Keep up your health.
It will be worthwhile reading the articles titled "Walking" and "Exercises" at URLs and respectively.
Do Physical Exercises,
Do This Today
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Do This Today
Start observing good qualities in others- particularly, in your spouse (to be spouse), your children, your parents, your brothers and sisters, your bosses, your direct reports and your own self.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Do This Today
Stop worrying. Examine the situation or the problem. If it can be tackled or solved, why worry? Just tackle it or solve it. And if it has no solution (which is rare), will worrying about it help?
Do This Today,
Stop Worrying
Friday, July 16, 2010
Do This Today
Learn one new word and start using it. You are free to learn more than one word. Important: use them.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Do This Today
Indulge in eating ice cream of your choice. Jog an extra lap tomorrow. :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Do This Today
Feel, think and do good for self and others. This is the best one line definition of (if there has to be something called) religion and god. This sums up all the etiquette and manners also.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Do This Today
Learn email etiquette and implement. Refer to read the comprehensive list of email etiquette.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Do This Today
Do not pretend or fake. If you do, you are killing the real you. Nurture the real you for your growth.
Do Not Pretend or Fake,
Do This Today
Friday, July 9, 2010
Do This Today
Stop using lap top (computer) in bed, on sofa etc. When the lap top is on the bed or on sofa, cooling fan does not get air to cool the computer. It gives rise to fire and you are in danger of inhaling carbon monoxide; that may prove even fatal.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Do This Today
Carry out respectful communication with your spouse (or would be spouse), children, parents, brothers and sisters.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Do This Today
Stop prolonged use of computer (screen, mouse and key board) and avoid repetitive stress injury (example: tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome etc). Repetitive stress can adversely affect any body part that has muscle or joint- hands, wrists, elbows, neck, back, knees, eyes etc. Implement right habits of using computer.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Do This Today
Praise at least one person genuinely. Preferably praise one of your near and dear ones- if you are married or about to get married, praise your souse or spouse to be. If you are a parent, praise your son/daughter. Praise your father/mother. And so on.
For more details on giving positive strokes to other, refer:
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Do This Today
Dine together. That's your family time; that's your friendship time. Its the time when you can come together and communicate.
Dine Together,
Do This Today
Monday, June 28, 2010
Do This Today
Take deep breath and exhale leisurely (5 to 10 times in a day).
Do This Today,
Take Deep Breath
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Do This Today
Learn to whistle. If you know how to do it, whistle a tune of your choice.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Do This Today
Pick up an interesting novel and read it. Reading a good fiction can give you the joy you never knew.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Do This Today
Most interesting thing about time is that you can't waste it in advance. So, don't worry by thinking how you could have used your time in better ways in the past. What is important now is: Don't waste your next minute, it's still intact.
(Read more at and
Do This Today
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Do This Today
Plant a tree and contribute your bit in protecting our environment.
Do This Today,
Plant a Tree
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Do This Today
Sit in the patio or backyard of your house along with the members of your family and gossip and Have a cup of tea together (if you make it light by placing the long tea leaves in a kettle and then pouring boiling water over it, the tea is lighter and has aroma, the flavor and you can consume more cups of tea)
Do This Today,
Have a Cup of Tea Together
Friday, June 18, 2010
Do This Today
Keep handy two packets of freshly cooked pop corns, two packets of salty roasted peanuts and a large mug of hot coffee and Enjoy a match of world soccer without any interruptions.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Do This Today
Try your hand at cooking (check the recipes at and
Do This Today
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Do This Today

Check for email etiquette at:
Do This Today,
Write a Long Letter
Friday, June 11, 2010
Do This Today

do this any time you like; do not set rules
Do This Today,
Hum a Tune of Your Choice
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Do This Today

Do This Today,
Laugh Lots
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Do This Today
Go for a long walk and enjoy nature, flowers, trees, leaves, birds, butterflies,flowing streams, soft rustling sounds and fragrances along the way.
For health angle of walking, you may like to refer:
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
Go for Long Walk
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Do This Today
Tell your spouse (or to be spouse), "I love you immensely."
Do It,
Do It Today,
Do This Today,
I Love You Immensely
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